
Sunday, March 30, 2014

On my way back...

Just a brief update...

The bronchitis developed into a cold and between the two of them they triggered an asthma attack that has been going on for nearly a week. I have been on three kinds of cortisone (pills, inhaled powder, and nebulized mist) since Saturday, as well as the antibiotics and if it doesn't start clearing up soon, I am going to have to go to the hospital for chest xrays in case I'm incubating a case of pneumonia.

The worst part is, the meds make my hands shake uncontrollably so it is difficult to type. It is a special kind of torture to have things rolling around in your head that your hands cannot spit out onto the keyboard! I'm not too bad right has only taken me 15 minutes to type this...but I haven't taken my mornings meds yet. Once I do, I won't be able to type for 8 to 12 hours due to the tremors.

So I am here, I'm not ignoring you (I read every email and comment that comes in), and I am SO wishing I could write back or post something new. As soon as my hand tremors resolve, I'll put up something new. In the meantime, I am becoming acquainted with daytime TV (can't even hold a book steady enough to read!) which, as far as I can tell, is total drek!

I hope this finds you all well and on the path to happiness.

Hugs to you all


Thursday, March 27, 2014

I will be back...

Sorry I haven't been around much lately...the lawsuit with the Tenants from Hell heated back up and I've been stuck in the computer and filing cabinets dragging out all our evidence and responding to a litany of the most outrageous lies and speculation you have ever heard.

The stress has taken its toll and I have come down with a serious case of bronchitis...I can barely breathe, so I'm not sleeping well and, of course, that affects my ability to think and write.

I promise that when this is finally over (I sent the materials to my lawyer yesterday so now I just have to get over the bronchitis), I will be back.

Hugs to all of you!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Swan Waters

I still have 10 free memberships left for the Swan Waters forum for adult children of narcissistic parents (see my previous entry).

If any one is interested, please email me using the email form at the bottom of this page (MUST be via email) and I will be happy to send you a coupon code you can use when you sign up.

Cheers and Hugs to all of you
