
Who's Who

You may find this helpful, especially when reading the 46 memories:

Alvin: my brother-in-law, Charlie’s narcissistic younger brother
Annie: my daughter, born in 1965
Auntie Bea: Charlie’s aunt, his late father’s sister
Big Tiny: my boyfriend before I married James; Brendan's father
Brendan: my youngest child (born 1973)
Brother/Petey: my Golden Child/Narcissistic younger brother
Charlie: my late husband (died 2000)
Eddie: my father
Frank: my final stepfather
Georgia: my malignant narcissistic mother
Grammi: Georgia, to her grandchildren
Grandma (Pansy) Janssen: Eddie’s mother
Grandpa: Georgia’s father
Grandpa Janssen: Eddie’s father
Jack: Annie’s second husband (divorced in 2011)
Jake/Jakie: my son, born in 1966
James: my malignant narcissistic ex-husband (divorced 1986)
Janey B: across-the-street neighbour girl
Janey K: two doors down neighbour girl
Maman: my mother-in-law, Charlie’s narcissistic mother
Melinda: GCBro;s wife
Miss Connie: the school nurse from grades 1 - 12
Nana: Georgia’s mother
Patsy: my stepmother
Uncle Gary: Georgia's older brother
Uncle Pete: Georgia’s beloved younger brother